Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I Still Exist!


Yeah, sorry about that long break. The weather here has been lovely and I wanted to spend my time outside. So I did. Right now, it's cold, windy, and damp, so I'm trapped, so I got on here to post.

I hate winter.

Having to deal with the ice, and the hail, and the snow, and the cars-that-just-won't-freaking-START, and the baby goats that died, or the ones that lost their ears, and the chickens who lost their toes and combs.

I would MUCH rather deal with having to carry water out three times a day than this. All week it's supposed to be staying in the forties. In the words of  Moriarty from Sherlock BBC, "Just...staying!"

Well, my husband just walked in, and I realized I'm bleeding, so I'm off!

Thanks for reading!
That one blog poster

1 comment:

  1. Bleeding?? What happened? Are you okay?

    Oh, by the way... Found you!!!! Mwahahaha!!!!
