Friday, February 28, 2014

My Adventures in Shea Butter: Part 1

A few months back (4-5) I was flipping through one of out BackWoods Home Magazines when I stumbled across an article for Homemade Lotion. I was slightly intrigued. ("Oh! This looks so cool! Everyone shut up so I can read!") They had a recipe for a Basic Shea Butter Body cream.

4 oz. Shea Butter
2 oz. Olive Oil

Shea Butter is slightly on the expensive side, but Christmas was just over, and I had gotten Amazon Gift Cards (People ask me what I want, and I always say, "Don't get ME anything. Send blankets and dog treats so I can give them to the Animal Shelter. They never do.) so I got on there and looked it up.

After reading through reviews and a LOT of searching, I found Better Shea Butter ($25.00 for a pound. $17.99 with Prime.).

 I ordered it and got down to business ("Where's the magazine?? I need the magazine! Who threw out the magazine??!! I need the recipe!! Wher-oh. It's right here."). The recipe said that after melting the Shea Butter, you had to let it cool "until cloudy." Umm. Okay. I set it outside (14° out there) to let it cool. I didn't exactly know what "cloudy" meant. ("It's kinda hard to see through. Is that cloudy? But it was like that before. What am I looking for magazine???") So I waited, and waited, then when it was "mostly cloudy" I brought it in. (I now know that I let it stay out there for too long.) I poured/glopped it into the mixer, added the Olive Oil, and let 'er rip. After it had become "whipped" I scooped it out, and put it into a container. It shortly became hard as a rock. What happened???

And that, is my first Adventure in Shea Butter.

Thanks again for reading!
That one blog poster

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